At 1st for Women, numerous things are taken into account, for example, the make and model of your motor vehicle, where you live, where your vehicle is kept at night, who the driver of the vehicle is, what purpose your vehicle is used for, and your previous claims history. Because your premium is calculated on these facts, amongst others, it is very important that you are honest when answering these and any other questions. If you are not sure about an answer, rather tell the consultant this and get back to them later. It is important to be honest in your dealings with your insurer or broker, including when you claim. Fraud costs the insurance industry millions every year and in turn costs you, the honest consumer, in increased premiums. Remember fraud ranges from things like claiming for a leather jacket you never had in the first place after a burglary, to claiming for a car that was allegedly hijacked when in fact it was actually sold. Fraud can also lead to a criminal record as most insurers prosecute customers who have committed fraud.